This hilarious collection of humorous quotations, full of wisecracks and wit, snappy comments and inspired fantasy, has been specially chosen by Ned Sherrin. Now with even more quotes on more subjects: from Gambling to Hollywood, from Diets to Shopping. Find the best lines from your favourite jokesters and wordsmiths, add that extra something to a speech or presentation, or just enjoy a good laugh. 'If God had wanted us to bend over, He would have put diamonds on the floor.' Joan Rivers on Health 'It's hard to be funny when you have to be clean.' Mae West on Humour 'Don't get mad, get everything.' Ivana Trump on Marriage 'They misunderestimated me.' George W. Bush on Self-Knowledge 'If it's shiny, I buy it.' Graham Norton on Shopping 'Whales get killed only when they spout.' Denis Thatcher on BSpeeches
This hilarious collection of humorous quotations, full of wisecracks and wit, snappy comments and inspired fantasy, has been specially chosen by Ned Sherrin. Now with even more quotes on more subjects: from Gambling to Hollywood, from Diets to Shopping. Find the best lines from your favourite jokesters and wordsmiths, add that extra something to a speech or presentation, or just enjoy a good laugh. 'If God had wanted us to bend over, He would have put diamonds on the floor.' Joan Rivers on Health 'It's hard to be funny when you have to be clean.' Mae West on Humour 'Don't get mad, get everything.' Ivana Trump on Marriage 'They misunderestimated me.' George W. Bush on Self-Knowledge 'If it's shiny, I buy it.' Graham Norton on Shopping 'Whales get killed only when they spout.' Denis Thatcher on Speeches
Chosen and introduced by writer, satirist and broadcaster Ned Sherrin, this entertaining collection of 5000 quotations displays all shades of humour - dry, black, wry, sly, witty, wacky, or even unintended. Quotations are courtesy of comedians (from Bob Hope and Groucho Marx to Victoria Wood and Monty Python), playwrights (from Shaw and Wilde to Alan Bennett and Tom Stoppard), novelists (P.G. Wodehouse, Joseph Heller, or Flann O'Brien), journalists and reviewers (P.J. O'Rourke, Julie Burchill and Dorothy Parker), politicians (from Disraeli to JFK and John Major) and many others - actors, producers, cartoonists, lyricists, moguls, soldiers, and lawyers among them. Organized by subject, the quotations range from acting and the theatre to youth, by way of behaviour and etiquette, the body, comedy routines and catchphrases, death, gossip, insults and invective, sex, snobbery and much more. Each quotation is accompanied by its source and date, and quotations are put in context by explanatory notes.