This fully-up-to-date edition of this best-selling colour dictionary, has already sold over one million copies in previous editions. It is indispensable both as a home medical guide and as a reference tool for all those working in the medical and allied professions. The entries are clearly laid out and jargon free, making the book both accessible and informative. This work features over 10,000 clear and concise entries that cover all medical and surgical specialities. The dictionary reflects recent developments in the medical field, covering new drugs in clinical use, as well as new advances in genetics, infertility treatment, cancer, organ transplantation, and BSE. The exceptionally clear colour layout and flexicovers make this an ideal reference tool. The New Scientist described this dictionary as 'an extraordinary bargain'.
This market-leading, two colour, illustrated dictionary contains 12,500 authoritative entries on all aspects of medical science. Written by a team of medical experts, all entries have been revised and updated for this new edition to reflect the very latest in medical knowledge and practice. Entries are accessible and jargon-free and are complemented by over 140 illustrations and diagrams. This brand new edition includes over 500 new entries and features increased coverage of pharmacology, obstetrics/gynaecology, paediatrics, ethics, nephrology, and psychiatry. Recommended web links are now provided for many entries, which are accessed and kept up to date via the Medical Dictionary Companion website, and appendices have been expanded to include tables of paediatric reference ranges, milk formulas, and additional abbreviations for blood tests. Selling almost 700,000 copies in previous editions, this is an essential A-Z for students and those working in the medical and allied professions. It is also an invaluable home reference guide for the general reader.
This best-selling and market-leading dictionary contains over 11,000 clear and concise entries, covering all aspects of medical science. Written by a team of medical experts, the entries are accessible and jargon-free, and complemented by over 140 illustrations and diagrams. Now in its 4th edition, the dictionary has been fully revised and updated to cover changes in this fast-moving field. Entries on techniques and equipment, drugs, general medical practice, health service organization, and treatment have all been reviewed, and updated where necessary. The dictionary has also been expanded in many areas, notably medical ethics, clinical governance, emergency medicine, pathology, and diagnosis. Selling over 650,000 copies in previous editions, this is an indispensable reference guide for students, as well as those working in the medical and allied professions. It is also an invaluable home reference guide for the general reader.