by Geoffrey Smith (Editor), A . D . Smith (Editor), PeterCampbell (Editor), HughMcKenzie (Editor), RonaldBentley (Editor), PrakashDatta (Editor)
This revised edition provides a survey of current biochemistry and molecular biology in the form of a dictionary. It contains short but informative entries arranged under more than 17,000 headwords. It is intended as a handy reference of first resource for those seeking information outside their immediate knowledge area or for those who need to refresh their memory of fundamental knowledge. This revised edition has been fully up-dated in order to include the new information that has been discovered since the original edition was published in 1997.
Format: Hardcover
Pages: 672
Edition: 2nd Revised edition
Publisher: Oxford University Press
Published: 27 Jan 2000
ISBN 10: 0198506732
ISBN 13: 9780198506737
. . . a wealth of useful and interesting information. --SGM Quarterly
The best conceived and produced specialized scientific dictionary this reviewer has ever seen . . . enthusiastically recommended. --Choice
A quite useful book . . . can be recommended for one's office or laboratory [and] should certainly be obtained by libraries. --Journal of Medicinal Chemistry
An invaluable source for biochemists as well [as] other biologists, for teachers and their students . . . has to be on the shelves of each biological laboratory. --Immunological Investigations