This textbook of physical chemistry provides a thorough explanation of the subject and has many instructional features to help the student, and an assortment of learning tools which are new to this edition. Popular features include the introduction, which offers an early discussion of some key ideas that occur throughout the subject. The text's almost 1000 two-colour illustrations, all redrawn by the author, continue to add a visual dimension to the study of physical chemistry. This edition includes a free CD-ROM with illustrations and revision aids, 20 animations and 30 interactive living graphs , and a data section that can be used in presentations by both lecturers and students. All artwork is in full-colour.
Atkins' Physical Chemistry remains the benchmark of achievement for a chemistry degree throughout the world. The judicious choice of topics, the clear writing style of both authors, and the careful exposition of maths, reaffirm the book's position as market leader. In the eighth edition the authors provide a more compact presentation through the careful restructuring and redistribution of material. The coverage of introductory topics has been streamlined, and later topics rationalized, bringing into sharper focus the scope of the text to mirror the needs of today's students and lecturers. Mathematics remains an intrinsic yet challenging part of physical chemistry; the new edition offers greater explanation and support, to ensure that students can master the important mathematical principles, without sacrificing the rigour and depth of its mathematical content. The pedagogical framework, which is a hallmark of Atkins' writing, has been strengthened further: new 'Notes on good practice' provide guidance on the use of terminology and help students to avoid common pitfalls; short 'Commentaries' remind students of the applications of mathematical and physical concepts, and provide useful cross-references to related resources in the book and on the accompanying companion web site. The eighth edition introduces new 'Impact on' sections which integrate the impact of physical chemistry on modern applications such as biology, biochemistry, medicine, nanoscience and astrophysics. All these exciting new features and innovations are presented within a new full colour text design, to stimulate and engage students still further. Online Resource Centre: The companion web site contains Living Graphs, illustrations from the book, and web links. An Instructor's Solutions Manual (free to adopters) and a Student's Solutions Manual are also available. The book is also complemented by a new edition of the 'Explorations in Physical Chemistry' CD, which contains interactive Excel worksheets and exercises related to the Living Graphs, allowing students to visualise, actively explore and test their understanding of the subject.
This major revision of the world's leading textbook of physical chemistry has maintained its tradition of accessibility but authority and has brought it thoroughly up to date. The new author team has introduced many innovations. There are new or rewritten chapters on the solid state, on molecular interactions, macromolecules, and electron transfer. Almost every chapter has at least one Box showing the relevance of the material to modern chemistry. All the chapters now conclude with a check list which includes definitions and key equations. The authors have paid special attention to the presentation of mathematical derivations and to the physical interpretation of equations. They have also ensured that the text is highly modular, so that it can be used in different sequences, either atoms first or thermodynamics first. The art program has been redrawn and extended, new Discussion questions have been added, and the Further Information sections have been recast to provide the necessary background in mathematics and physics. The text is fully geared to the web, with full media support. SUPPLEMENTS AND SUPPORT MATERIAL: 1. Web site featuring ; Living Graphs (about 150).
Dynamic, interactive graphs that allow experimentation and hands-on learning; Web links to sources of data and other information, as referred to in the book.; 2. Student's Solutions Manual containing worked solutions to half the end of chapter exercises and problems in the parent text. ; 3. Instructor's Solutions Manual, FREE to adopters of the parent text, containing worked solutions to the other half of the end of chapter exercises and problems in the parent text. Contains a CD-ROM with all the illustrations from the text, for use in presentations. ; 4. MathCad/Mathematica supplement book with CD-ROM to take all living graphs further. ; NEW TO THIS EDITION: - New co-author Julio de Paula, a biophysical chemist, strengthens the text's coverage of biological applications. - Margin notes provide help with mathematics just where it is needed. - Boxes added to every chapter to cover biological applications, environmental, materials science and chemical engineering. Each box has two problems, and suggestions for further reading. - Important equations and definitions added to the 'key concepts' section of every chapter. - Microprojects used to be separate sections at end of every Part.
These (most of them) have been integrated into the appropriate chapter's end-of-chapter exercises. - More help with the mathematical development of derivations: marginal notes are provided, many derivations now include more steps (justifications), the section on mathematical techniques in Further Information sections has been rewritten, as has the Further Information section on concepts of physics. - Fully integrated media support. The new feature of Living Graphs are flagged by an icon in the textbook, and marginal notes refer the reader to the web links to be found on the book's free web site. - The chapters are modular so that they may be read in different orders for different courses. Road Maps are provided that suggest different routes through the text for the following types of course organizations: (a) thermodynamics first, (b) atoms first (quantum mechanics first). - There is a separate section in of end-of-chapter exercises specifically for applications. - End-of-chapter problems for which solutions are provided in the Student's Solutions Manual are now indicated by colour.; MODERNIZATION - More coverage of modern topics throughout the text.
; Some examples, by section of the book:; PART 1: ; Illustrations of partial derivatives added; Added Boxes, more practical and more biological applications; PART 2:; Chapter 14 includes computational chemistry; Enhancements to quantum mechanics coverage: addition of materials science in Chapters 22 and 23; More modern spectroscopy, more computational chemistry; Chapter 21: new chapter on molecular interactions; Chapter 22 on macromolecules emphasizes polymers and biological polymers; PART 3:; Organized to make selective use easier (made more modular); Chapter 29: more modern treatment of electron transfer theory in solutions, biological systems, and solid state; For a complete list of changes to the book since the last edition, see the web site at www oup.com/pchem7