In the world of self-help and personal development, there are two kinds of books: those that deal with your private life (how to improve your relationships, how to overcome depression), and those that focus on work and professional skills (how to manage time effectively, how to cope with the boss). But two leading clinicians, Gillian Butler and Tony Hope, believe these two spheres aren't so separate - for real psychological well-being, they argue, we need to integrate the techniques of management with those of psychology, feeling with action, and work with play. And they show us how in Manage Your Mind - a ground-breaking, step-by-step guide to the skills and attitudes that will help you be more effective in your work and to enjoy a more fulfilling personal life. Just as simple measures - regular exercise, a sensible diet - keep your body fit, the strategies described in this book will stretch, strengthen, and tune your mind. Your mind is a powerful tool but without the right training, your moods, thoughts, and behaviour can sabotage your goals and cause depression and anxiety. Here Butler and Hope show you how to keep mentally fit - how to tap into your mind's power - so you can enjoy your life to the fullest. Through the powerful, tested techniques they clearly outline, Butler and Hope teach you how to cope with the rigours of everyday life. You can learn to: Build self-confidence - Overcome anxiety and depression - Take positive control of your present and future - Establish and maintain fulfilling relationships with family, friends, and co-workers - Free yourself from fears and persistent worries - Break bad habits - Relieve stress - Develop your full potential - Manage your self and your time - Clarify your goals and values - Manage Your Mind also includes specific, up-to-date information on how to strengthen your memory, stop smoking, sleep better, recover from alcohol abuse, and more. Feeling good is not just a question of addressing a few problems but depends on the development of positive attitudes and superskills that can help you to make the most of your opportunities. Manage Your Mind is a remarkable guide which will help you to lead a more exhilarating and productive life.