Based on the Oxford Companion to British History , this dictionary is a compact reference work on all aspects of the history of Britain from 55 BC to the present day. In more than 3600 entries, over 100 specialist contributors describe the people and events that have shaped and defined domestic, political, social, and cultural life in Britain over the past two millennia. The entries cover a wide breadth of subject matter including: people - philosophers, writers, composers, politicians, actors, royalty; events - disasters, diseases; domestic history - legal issues and technical terms; newspapers and periodicals; sport and leisure; scholarship and education; and local history - counties, towns and cities.
When was the first motorway opened? What did the Levellers believe in? What was the book of sports? Where did the Rebecca riots take place? What prompted the Cat and Mouse Act? How long did the Hundred Years War last? When was the treaty of Worms for? Drawing on from the highly acclaimed Oxford Companion to British History, published in 1997, The Dictionary of British History published in the very popular OPR series first in 2001 and now reissued for 2003 is a handy and invaluable reference work essential for anyone with an interest in British history and in need for a compact reference source covering 2,000 years of people, events, and places, and political, economic, local, domestic, military, and social change. In more than 3,600 entries, over 100 specialist contributors describe the people and events that have shaped and defined domestic, political, social, and cultural life in Britain over the past two millennia. The A-Z text is completely up to date with new entries on Iain Duncan Smith, terrorism, and Prince William. Existing entries on Tony Blair, Iraq, Northern Ireland, Plaid Cymru, SNP, Sinn Fein, Acts of Uniformity, and the United Nations have been updated.The text covers a wide breadth of subject matter - people: philosophers (John Locke, Herbert Spencer), writers (Dickens, T.
S. Eliot, Chaucer), composers (Elgar), politicians (Dilke, Disraeli) actors (Charlie Chaplin), royalty (Joan of Kent, house of Tudor). events: disasters (fire of London, Titanic), diseases (cholera). domestic history: legal issues (jury system), technical terms, newspapers and periodicals (The Times), sport (squash) and leisure (chess), scholarship and education (public schools). local history: counties (Derbyshire, Warwickshire), towns (Chester, Ipswich), cities (London). military history: battles (Battle of Britain, battle of Mynydd Carn, battle of Dollor), treaties (treaties of Locarno, treaty of Troyes), conflicts and wars (War of Spanish succession, War of 1812). political history: reform (Speenhamland), civil unrest (Tolpuddle martyrs, Peterloo masacre), acts of parliament (Chimney Sweeps Act, Intolerable Acts, Riot Act), governmental issues. economic and social history: important inventions and innovators (Richard Trevithick), movements for change (chartism, British Association for the Advancement of Science, Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament), reform, changes in the economic climate (industrial revolution).
Who was the first King of England? What prompted the Cat and Mouse Act? When was Wembley stadium demolished? Where did the Rebecca riots take place? How long did the Hundred Years War last? Containing more than 3,800 authoritative entries written by over 100 specialist contributors, this dictionary describes the people and events that have shaped and defined domestic, political, social, and cultural life in Britain since 55 BC. New entries to this edition include Gordon Brown, David Cameron, Gerry Adams, and Rowan Williams and existing entries on Tony Blair, Iraq, Northern Ireland, and terrorism have been updated. Following the A-Z text is an appendix of recommended web links that provide relevant and useful extra information. Web links are conveniently accessed via the Dictionary of British History companion website, where they are regularly checked and kept up to date. Derived from the highly acclaimed The Oxford Companion to British History, A Dictionary of British History has been a leading historical reference work since its publication in 2001.
Now thoroughly revised and fully updated, this handy and invaluable A-Z remains essential for anyone studying or with an interest in British history as well as for those in need of a compact reference book covering 2,000 years of people, events, places, and change.