No home should be without one certainly applies to this splendid medical dictionary.' Journal of the Institute of Health Education . `Excellent layout and jargon-free style should commend it to a wide variety of readers.' Nursing Times. This superb new colour edition of the Concise Medical Dictionary provides 10,000 clear, concise entries covering all the major medical and surgical specialities. It is ideal both as a home reference book and as an aid to all those working in the medical and allied professions. This book is intended for general (home reference); nurses, physiotherapists, social workers, medical secretaries, hospital administrators, radiographers, technicians, and other paramedical workers; doctors and medical students.
This best-selling and market-leading dictionary contains over 11,000 clear and concise entries, covering all aspects of medical science. Written by a team of medical experts, the entries are accessible and jargon-free, and complemented by over 140 illustrations and diagrams. Now in its 4th edition, the dictionary has been fully revised and updated to cover changes in this fast-moving field. Entries on techniques and equipment, drugs, general medical practice, health service organization, and treatment have all been reviewed, and updated where necessary. The dictionary has also been expanded in many areas, notably medical ethics, clinical governance, emergency medicine, pathology, and diagnosis. Selling over 650,000 copies in previous editions, this is an indispensable reference guide for students, as well as those working in the medical and allied professions. It is also an invaluable home reference guide for the general reader.
This best-selling and market-leading dictionary contains over 11,000 clear and concise entries, covering all aspects of medical science. Written by a team of medical experts, the entries are accessible and jargon-free, and complemented by over 140 illustrations and diagrams. Now in its 4th edition, the dictionary has been fully revised and updated to cover changes in this fast-moving field. Entries on techniques and equipment, drugs, general medical practice, health service organization, and treatment have all been reviewed, and updated where necessary. The dictionary has also been expanded in many areas, notably medical ethics, clinical governance, emergency medicine, pathology, and diagnosis. Selling over 650,000 copies in previous editions, this is an indispensable reference guide for students, as well as those working in the medical and allied professions. It is also an invaluable home reference guide for the general reader.