Now in Oxford Paperbacks, Ned Sherrin's dictionary of quotations is a collection of the sharpest, the wittiest, the wryest and wickedest in quips, put-downs, and one-liners from both humourists (Oscar Wilde, Dorothy Parker, Groucho Marx), and the nouveaux droles , including Stephen Fry, P.J. O'Rourke, Victoria Wood, Bill Bryson, Douglas Adams, Roseanne Barr, Ian Hislop, and Julie Burchill.
This hilarious collection of humorous quotations, full of wisecracks and wit, snappy comments and inspired fantasy, has been specially chosen by Ned Sherrin. Now with even more quotes on more subjects: from Gambling to Hollywood, from Diets to Shopping. Find the best lines from your favourite jokesters and wordsmiths, add that extra something to a speech or presentation, or just enjoy a good laugh. 'If God had wanted us to bend over, He would have put diamonds on the floor.' Joan Rivers on Health 'It's hard to be funny when you have to be clean.' Mae West on Humour 'Don't get mad, get everything.' Ivana Trump on Marriage 'They misunderestimated me.' George W. Bush on Self-Knowledge 'If it's shiny, I buy it.' Graham Norton on Shopping 'Whales get killed only when they spout.' Denis Thatcher on Speeches
People don't come in my size until they're old. I used to think people were born with big bones and large frames, but apparently these grow when you're about sixty-eight , Maeve Binchy; They say the definition of ambivalence is watching your mother-in-law drive over a cliff in your new Cadillac , David Mamet; It's amazing what you can do with an E in A-level art, twisted imagination and a chainsaw , Damien Hirst; I'm President of the United States, and I'm not going to eat any more broccoli! , George Bush. These are just some examples of the humorous quotations featured in The Oxford Dictionary of Humorous Quotations . This edition contains over 5,000 quotations which cover a wide range of themes, including: autobiography, awards and prizes, parties, presidents, smoking, and tennis. From sharp one-liners to witty quips, there are quotations from classic humorists such as Mae West, Oscar Wilde, and Groucho Marx, to today's well known comedians and wits including Dick Vosburgh, Maureen Lipman, Tracey Ullman, Ben Elton, and Ian Hislop.
There are also quotations from famous luminaries from walks of life other than comedy, from Samuel Johnson to Tennessee Williams, and Albert Einstein to the Duke of Wellington. There are details of where each quotation comes from, who said it, where and when.