Offering a lively and critical look at psychology's past, this complete narrative history - from the Ancient Greeks to the present - explores psychology in its philosophical, religious, historical, and literary contexts. NEW! Revised introductory chapter - Ch. 1 focuses more directly on the philosophy of psychology and considers various objections and alternatives to the idea that psychology can be a science *NEW! Detailed treatment of key psychological themes - The first theme is the idea that not only is psychology necessarily a social construction but that the mind itself is to some degree a social construction. The second theme involves struggles over the existence and nature of consciousness. The third is the theme of psychology as an applied discipline *NEW! Chronological narrative of the development of Freudian psychoanalysis - Ch. 8 has been revised and new materials have been added on the development of psychoanalysis after Freud *Examines the interrelationships of psychology and society - Examines how social context influenced the way philosophers and psychologists have thought about the mind, and how modern psychology has, in turn, affected society *Looks at the evolution of leading psychological concepts - Considers the leading exponents of different psychological systems during each historical era *Includes coverage on the most recent developments in psychology - e.g., the founding of the APS and Connectionism