This book provides future managers with basic information about people and their behavior within the context of a business environment. It includes such issues as how to motivate people, how to give them feedback on their performance, how to influence them, and how to help them cope with stress. By examining the factors that contribute to an ever-changing business world, it will teach tomorrow's managers to develop, train, and motivate high-performance employees in a world of constant change. *New, expanded, revised topics feature the most current and cutting-edge research topics - e.g., Employee support policies; innovative rewards systems; practical, emotional, and cognitive intelligence; procedural justice; dispositional model of job satisfaction; high-performance teams; video-mediated communication; goal-framing effects.- Provides students with up-to-date information on current trends in business *PHLIP/CW Website at - This Website offers the most robust, content-rich Web support available. *New chapter: Culture, Creativity, and Innovation - Introduces new material on individual and group creativity and promoting innovation.
*New chapter: Technology in Organizations-Brings together material on technology. - Exposes students to different cultures, allowing them to see how culture affects business strategy.