Soft Computing Based Medical Image Analysis

Soft Computing Based Medical Image Analysis

by Amira Ashour (Contributor), Fuquian Shi (Contributor), Nilanjan Dey (Author), Valentina E. Balas (Contributor)


Soft Computing Based Medical Image Analysis presents the foremost techniques of soft computing in medical image analysis and processing. It includes image enhancement, segmentation, classification-based soft computing, and their application in diagnostic imaging, as well as an extensive background for the development of intelligent systems based on soft computing used in medical image analysis and processing. The book introduces the theory and concepts of digital image analysis and processing based on soft computing with real-world medical imaging applications. Comparative studies for soft computing based medical imaging techniques and traditional approaches in medicine are addressed, providing flexible and sophisticated application-oriented solutions.


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More Information

Format: Paperback
Pages: 290
Publisher: Academic Press
Published: 16 Jan 2018

ISBN 10: 0128130873
ISBN 13: 9780128130872

Author Bio
Nilanjan Dey received his Ph. D. Degree from Jadavpur University, India, in 2015. He is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Information Technology, Techno India College of Technology, Kolkata, W.B., India. He holds an honorary position of Visiting Scientist at Global Biomedical Technologies Inc., CA, USA and Research Scientist of Laboratory of Applied Mathematical Modeling in Human Physiology, Territorial Organization of- Scientific and Engineering Unions, Bulgaria. Associate Researcher of Laboratoire RIADI, University of Manouba, Tunisia. His research topic is Medical Imaging, Data mining, Machine learning, Computer Aided Diagnosis, Atherosclerosis etc. He is the Editor-in-Chief of International Journal of Ambient Computing and Intelligence (IGI Global), US, International Journal of Rough Sets and Data Analysis (IGI Global), US, the International Journal of Synthetic Emotions (IGI Global), US, (Co-EinC) and International Journal of Natural Computing Research (IGI Global), US. Series Editor (Co.) of Advances in Ubiquitous Sensing Applications for Healthcare (AUSAH), Elsevier, Advances in Geospatial Technologies (AGT) Book Series, (IGI Global), US, Executive Editor of International Journal of Image Mining (IJIM), Inderscience, Associated Editor of IEEE Access and International Journal of Information Technology, Springer. He has 20 books and more than 200 research articles in peer-reviewed journals and international conferences. He is the organizing committee member of several international conferences including ITITS, W4C, ICMIR, FICTA, ICICT. Amira S. Ashour is currently an Assistant Professor and Head of Department-EEC, Faculty of Engineering, Tanta University, Egypt. She has been the Vice Chair of Computer Engineering Department, Computers and Information Technology College, Taif University, KSA for one year from 2015. She has been the vice chair of CS department, CIT college, Taif University, KSA for 5 years. Her research interests are Smart antenna, Direction of arrival estimation, Targets tracking, Image processing, Medical imaging, Machine learning, Signal/image/video processing, Image analysis, Computer vision, and Optimization. She has 6 books and about 70 published journal papers. She is an Editor-in-Chief for the International Journal of Synthetic Emotions (IJSE), IGI Global, US. She is an Associate Editor for the IJRSDA, IGI Global, US as well as the IJACI, IGI Global, US. She is an Editorial Board Member of the International Journal of Image Mining (IJIM), Inderscience. Fuqian Shi (M'08-SM'10) was born in Wenzhou, China in 1975. He received the Bachelor degree in Wenzhou University, China in 1997, M.Sc. in Zhejiang University of Technology in 2006 and Ph.D. in 2011 from Zhejiang University, China. graduated from College of Computer Science and Technology, Zhejiang University. He is currently an Associate Professor at College of Information and Engineering, Wenzhou Medical University, China. He was invited as Visiting Associate Professor at Department of Industrial Engineering and Management System, University of Central Florida, USA from 2012 to 2014. His research interests include biomedical engineering, fuzzy inference system, and artificial neuro networks. Dr. Shi is a senior member of IEEE, membership of ACM, and sever as over 20 committee board membership of international conferences; Dr. Shi also serve as Associate Editors of International Journal of Ambient Computing and Intelligence (IJACI) and International Journal of Rough Sets and Data Analysis (IJRSDA). Dr. Shi is a reviewer of IEEE Trans. Fuzzy System, IEEE Trans. SMC, Information Sciences, etc. He published over 50 journal papers and conference proceedings. Valentina E. Balas is currently Full Professor at Aurel Vlaicu University of Arad, Romania. She is author of more than 180 research papers. Her research interests are in intelligent systems, fuzzy control, and soft Computing. She is Editor-in Chief to International Journal of Advanced Intelligence Paradigms (IJAIP) and to IJCSE. Dr. Balas is member of EUSFLAT, ACM and a SM IEEE, and a member of TC - EC and TC-FS (IEEE CIS), TC - SC (IEEE SMCS), Joint Secretary FIM.