Author Bio
Dimitrios Serpanos is a Professor of Computer Architecture at the Department of Electrical and Computer of the University of Patras in Patras, Greece. He is also Director-elect of the Industrial Systems Institute (ISI) in Patras. Professor Serpanos holds a PhD in Computer Science from Princeton University (1990), an MA in Computer Science from Princeton (1988) and a Diploma in Computer Engineering and Informatics from the University of Patras (1985). Before joining the University of Patras, Professor Serpanos was a Professor (Assistant at first and Associate later) at the Department of Computer Science, University of Crete, Greece (1996-2000) and earlier, he was a Research Staff Member at IBM T.J. Watson Research Center, New York, USA. In addition to his faculty appointments, he has also been conducting research at research institutes, specifically ICS-FORTH, while in Crete, and ISI while in Patras. Professor Serpanos has been a leader in the area of architecture of network systems, working on such systems for almost 20 years. He introduced the concept of specialized protocol processors (1992) and authored the first paper on multi-protocol, multiprocessor router architectures (1994). He has written more than 100 research papers in high quality conferences and research journals, addressing architectures and design issues of all types of network systems, from switches to routers and gateways. He has also worked on Quality-of-Service issues and has extensive activity in network and computer security. In addition to his research papers, Professor Serpanos holds 2 US patents and 7 invention disclosures in the area of network systems. Professor Serpanos has received awards and distinctions as a graduate student, an IBM employee and as a faculty (2005 IBM Faculty Award). Furthermore, he is the General Chair of 2 IEEE Conferences, Technical Program Chair in 2 IEEE Conferences, organizer (twice) of an ACM Workshop, member of Technical Program Committees for conferences and workshops (over 25) and panel organizer for several conferences. He has served also in additional positions in conference organizing committees. In relevance to the subject of the book, Professor Serpanos is the leading Guest-Editor of a special issue of IEEE Network on Advances in Network Systems Architecture and the organizer and coordinator of a Task Force on Network Systems Architecture in the E-NEXT European Network of Excellence. Professor Serpanos is a Senior Member of the IEEE; a member of ACM, IET, NYAS, and the Technical Chamber of Greece; he is also an educational member of USENIX. Tilman Wolf is an associate professor in the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering at the University of Massachusetts Amherst. He received a Diploma in informatics from the University of Stuttgart, Germany, in 1998. He also received a M.S. in computer science in 1998, a M.S. in computer engineering in 2000, and a D.Sc. in computer science in 2002, all from Washington University in St. Louis. Dr. Wolf is engaged in research and teaching in the areas of computer networks, computer architecture, and embedded systems. His research interests include network processors, their application in next-generation Internet architectures, and embedded system security. His research has attracted substantial funding from both industry and the federal government, including an NSF CAREER award. He has taught graduate and undergraduate courses on computer networks, digital design, microcontroller laboratories, and capstone design projects.Dr. Wolf is a senior member of the IEEE and member of the ACM. He has been active as program committee member and organizing committee member of several professional conferences, including IEEE INFOCOM and ACM SIGCOMM. He is currently serving as treasurer for the ACM SIGCOMM society. In 2004, he received the College of Engineering Outstanding Junior Faculty Award at the University of Massachusetts.