GOOD HOUSEKEEPING THE ESSENTIAL BOOK OF PARENTING is a unique, one-volume reference packed with all the practical instructions and emotional guidance which parents are likely to need at any point in their child's development. Beginning with pregnancy and continuing right through to adolescence, it combines accessible practical information with sensible, expert advice on the kind of issues which are most likely to trouble parents, from dealing with breastfeeding problems to how to spot learning difficulties early on. Written by a team of expert contributors, the book is illustrated throughout with colour photographs which cover everything from changing nappies to how to give emergency first aid. An extensive A-Z Child Health section also provides at-a-glance reference for both common and serious illnesses and the action which parents should take Whether you need to know which games stimulate your toddler's memory skills, how to fit a car seat or how to handle sibling rivalry, GOOD HOUSEKEEPING THE ESSENTIAL BOOK OF PARENTING will have all the answers you need.