by Mark Victor Hansen (Author), Mark Victor Hansen (Author), Jack Canfield (Author)
"Chicken Soup for the Soul" is a heartwarming collection of tales that will inspire you to live your dreams. The stories demonstrate the best qualities we share as human beings: compassion, grace, forgiveness, generosity and faith and they share a collected wisdom on love, parenting, teaching, death and the overcoming of obstacles. "The Chicken Soup" series has touched the lives of millions of people worldwide. Discover how your life could be turned around too.
Format: Paperback
Pages: 320
Edition: New e.
Publisher: Vermilion
Published: 17 Dec 1998
ISBN 10: 0091819563
ISBN 13: 9780091819569
Book Overview: A publishing phenomenon in the States, these short stories talk heart to heart, soul to soul to restore your faith in human nature.