by JeffFrentzen (Author), HenrySobotka (Author), HenrySabotka (Author)
Using JavaScript, programmers can embed sound, animations, forms, and create all kinds of interactive elements in their Web pages. Until recently , JavaScript was only supported by NetScape - Microsoft had developed its own, non-compatible product called JScript. But in 1997, version 2 of the JavaScript language was standardized allowing for unifrom behaviour of an application regardless of the browser used. JavaScript is currently supported by both Netscape Navigator 4 and Microsoft Internet Explorer 4 and is steadily growing in popularity as a dynamic Web page programming language. This book and CD-ROM provides annotations for the JavaScript version 1.2 programmer with easy tweaks and options for use in specific situations. The code is categorized and organized by task to make finding the appropriate elements easier. There are also JavaScript web links to freeware, and gifs amongst other things.
Format: Paperback
Pages: 800
Edition: Pap/Cdr
Publisher: Osborne/McGraw-Hill
Published: 01 Apr 1998
ISBN 10: 0078823641
ISBN 13: 9780078823640