by SrirangaVeeraraghavan (Author)
Everything you need to administer services on Solaris-basedsystemsMajor e-commerce players use Sun servers and Solaris to power all or parts of their Internet businesses. If this is a work environment you need to crack, reach out for Solaris: The Complete Reference, by SrirangaVeeraraghavan. This covers-it-all guide puts at your fingertips all of the critical information you need to deploy and administer services on Solaris-based systems: *Installation, system startup and shutdown, and process management *Managing devices, basic and advanced file system, and backups*Routing, Network Information Service, and managing remote access*File sharing with UNIX, Macintosh and Windows systems*Monitoring performance and system activity*More!
Format: Paperback
Pages: 678
Publisher: Osborne/McGraw-Hill
Published: 30 Sep 2000
ISBN 10: 0072121432
ISBN 13: 9780072121438