by Bob Gilbreath (Author)
THE NEW LAWOF MARKETING The Next Evolution ofMarketing is a true beaconfor all brand builders.Many books claim that,Bob's book delivers. Jim Stengel, former GlobalMarketing Officer, Procter & Gamble Some timeless truthsrestored for modernmarketing-and many newones added. An inspiringreminder of the value ofbrand behavior and how tomake it happen. Sir Martin Sorrell, CEO, WPP Persuasion has given wayto sharing, and marketingwill never be the same. John Gerzema, Chief InsightsOfficer, Young & Rubicam, andcoauthor of The Brand Bubble Bob Gilbreath brilliantlyshows why we're nolonger living in our fathers'marketing era. Better yet,he details how marketingworks best when it addsvalue to people's lives, andhe provides a playbookfor success. David Meerman Scott,bestselling author of The NewRules of Marketing & PR andWorld Wide Rave This book provides aframework and compellingexamples for creating thenext generation of cultureleadingbrands. Mark Greatrex, SeniorVice President, MarketingCommunications and Insights,The Coca-Cola Company ABOUT THE BOOK: Marketing with Meaning-The Breakthrough Strategy for Connecting with Customers! The old interruptive model of marketingdoesn't work. Customers are tuning out.They no longer listen to in-your-face messages.Instead, they demand meaning inthe brands they buy and the marketing thatreaches them. Marketing strategist Bob Gilbreath's hotnew concept, Marketing with Meaning,represents the next evolutionary step in aprogression following direct marketing andpermission marketing. This groundbreakingmethodology engages customers and winstheir business by adding value to their lives.Rather than pushing a product or service,Marketing with Meaning woos customers byoffering them something of value independentof purchase. In The Next Evolution of Marketing, Gilbreathunveils a revolutionary new approach tobusiness that fills the gaping voids left inbottom lines when people started tuning out.Gilbreath describes the marketing revolutionnow underway and the powerful forces drivingit. Inside, he provides Marketing withMeaning success stories, including: Samsung's laptop and cell phonecharging stations, which are nowfound in more than 50 airportsthroughout the United States Dove's Campaign for Real Beautyand its viral video Evolution, which has been viewed more than100 million times Burger King's Xbox advergames,which helped boost the company'sprofits by 40 percent in one year This first-ever comprehensive model for creatingand managing a meaningful marketingcampaign uses in-depth case studies of successfulcampaigns and explains how to developand execute a solid strategy for meetingcustomers' needs. It also arms you with anoriginal set of metrics for precisely measuringthe effectiveness of your initiatives. You simply cannot afford to get left behind inadvertising's golden age of interrupt, tell,and sell marketing. Marketing with Meaningis how your customers demand business bedone today and tomorrow. The Next Evolutionof Marketing is your guide to survivingand thriving in this marketing revolution.
Format: Illustrated
Pages: 288
Edition: Illustrated
Publisher: McGraw-Hill Education
Published: 16 Nov 2009
ISBN 10: 0071625364
ISBN 13: 9780071625364