Essentials of Marketing: Text and Cases
by Geoff Lancaster (Author), Lester Massingham (Author), Lester Massingham (Author), Geoff Lancaster (Author)
Essentials of Marketing is suitable for introductory courses in marketing at all levels - undergraduate, post experience, postgraduate and professional courses. Not only does this text cover the basic elements of the marketing mix, but it also includes discussion on wider issues such as the place of marketing in business and associated strategic matters. The substantial revision should further enhance the text's reputation with changes such as new material on consumer and organizational behaviour. There is increased coverage of portfolio analysis; the discussion of marketing research has been expanded; and the discussion on buyer behaviour has been updated. Other new features include a new chapter on logistics including coverage of JIT and lean manufacturing systems; and analysis of environmental issues. The case study section comprising real world extended case studies with model answers, has also been revised - two cases have been brought up-to-date and a third is included for the first time. Other pedagogical features include end-of-chapter summaries and questions. Essentials of Marketing is now accompanied by Marketing Management (published September 1992) by the same authors. Together these texts aim to provide essential coverage of the complete marketing syllabus from introductory to advanced levels.