Launched to great acclaim on Channel 4 in 1998, 'Ally McBeal' really is the programme everyone's talking about. This full-colour official guide covers the first two series, and tells you all you want to know -- and more -- about this new dramatic comedy. Our eponymous heroine is young, beautiful, successful -- the rising young star in a thrusting law firm. She's bold, she's feisty. But Ally's a complex personality -- some might say neurotic -- who is also hanging on to her sanity and her job by the skin of her teeth. For her, life is a battle between the head and the heart. She wants to change the world. But not until she finds a husband. And has a baby. Full of quirky characters and humour, with profound insight into human nature, Channel 4's 'Ally McBeal' commences its second season in July, with twenty-four new episodes running until Christmas. This companion is a great buy: in full colour throughout, it's over 400 photos from the two seasons, packed with facts, exclusive interviews with the cast and crew, and clever trivia. It's the who, what, where, why and how of this unique show which has become cult viewing; the perfect book for fans tired of superficial magazine coverage.