Yogilates combines two of the hottest exercise techniques - Hatha yoga and Pilates - in a single body development technique that provides strength, grace, focus and flexibility - faster than when either discipline is performed separately. The technique was created by Jonathan Urla in 1997 and is now taught by practitioners and via his videos all over the US. This attractive, illustrated guide brings yogilates to the UK. The unifying essence of Yoga and the powerful therapeutic value of Pilates combine to produce an all-round, totally balanced, low-impact work out. As historically practiced, both yoga and pilates both contain difficult, complicated and risky exercises that detract from the technique's accessibility. Yogilates balances the spinal arching of yoga with the core strengthening moves of Pilates and pools the benefits of both disciplines into a totally safe, effective synergy. This interactive book clearly outlines the skills necessary to learn Yogilates techniques safely and how to incorporate them into a healthy lifestyle. The routines are user-friendly and the book contains several levels , with tips on when to progress on to the next one. There are also sections on improving strength in key areas such as the neck, knees and back.