by Brian Speed (Author), TrevorSenior (Author), KevinEvans (Author), KeithGordon (Author)
Maths Frameworking is the Number 1 Framework mathematics scheme in schools. The Maths Frameworking Revision Guides provide focussed study support and test practice at the right level for every student. Written by highly experienced teachers, these books help offer the best possible preparation for KS3 National Tests. Features include: / Complete summary and practice support in preparation for SATs at level 5-7 / Full-colour, clear layout / Easy-to-navigate layout to help students revise more efficiently / Sample answers with advice on how to achieve maximum marks / Hints and tips on how to raise grades / Links to the number one KS3 school maths scheme
Format: Paperback
Pages: 96
Publisher: Collins Educational
Published: 20 Sep 2005
ISBN 10: 0007211627
ISBN 13: 9780007211623