New series, new world, and a glorious story destined to reach the biggest audience yet. The Dreamers teeter on the brink of divinity. They have the power to change the world with their dreams. They look like children. They are, in fact, sleeping gods. The Dreamers are an apparition designed to fool the Lord of the Wasteland who plans to use the moment of the divinities' waking to destroy them. At that moment, he can do it, but no other. If he gets it right, the Lord of the Wasteland can destroy both the sleepers and the other divinities that are already awake. Then the Lord of the Wasteland will be acknowledged as the god he knows himself to be. There are eight divinities altogether, and four of them are awake while the other four sleep for alternating periods of 25,000 years. The time for a switchover is approaching fast. There will be battle. There will be trickery and deception. Tribes of humans, creatures of the deep, the sea itself and the earth, the weather and the mood of the divinities, all will play their part in the epic struggle against the hive mentality of the Lord of the Wasteland.
But the world is out of kilter, it is being dreamed, and the awakening of gods is no simple transition.
New series, new world, and a glorious story destined to reach the biggest audience yet. The Dreamers are children teetering on the brink of divinity. They have the power to change the world with their dreams. But they only look like children. They are, actually, sleeping gods. They're an apparition designed to fool the Lord of the Wasteland, a gender unspecific enemy that plans to use the moment of the divinities' waking to get rid of them and the other divinities that are already awake. There are eight divinities altogether, and four of them are awake while the other four sleep for alternating periods of 25,000 years. The time for a switchover is approaching fast. There will be battle. There will be trickery and deception. Tribes of humans, the sea and the earth, the weather and creatures of the deep will all play their part in the epic struggle against the hive mentality of the Lord of the Wasteland. But the world is out of kilter, it is being dreamed, and the awakening of gods is no simple transition.
New series, new world, and a glorious story destined to reach the biggest audience yet. They are called the Dreamers. They look like sleeping children. They are, in fact, Gods. There are eight elder Gods, four awake, four asleep, by turns. When they sleep, they sleep for eons. The only time the Gods are vulnerable is when the sleepers awake. Knowing this, the Ruler of the Wasteland, ambitious to become a God by destroying Gods, watches and waits, marshalling troops for war. So it is that the coming of the Dreamers passes unnoticed in the Wasteland. But the world is soon out of kilter, it is being dreamed, and the awakening of gods is no simple transition. The sleeping Gods are stirring. When they wake the battle will begin. There will be trickery and deception. Tribes of humans, creatures of the deep, the sea itself and the earth, the weather and the divinities, all will play their part in the epic struggle against the Ruler of the Wasteland. In their own exquisitely effortless style, David and Leigh Eddings weave a web around the reader of magic, mystery and humour.
The Elder Gods is the first in a new and eagerly anticipated series of four books from the bestselling authors David and Leigh Eddings. It is a magical, action-packed, totally engaging and characterful novel on the grandest scale.