The third annual compilation of 80 concise crosswords from The Sunday Times.
Do you find cryptic crosswords too much of a chore? Do you want your general knowledge to be tested but not put through the mill? Are you on the lookout for something to pass the time on a long train or aeroplane journey? The Sunday Times Concise Crossword Book 3 could be just what you are looking for. It includes 80 crosswords, set out in a clear, easy-to-use double-page spread to view layout, plus all the solutions at the back of the book.
So, if you reckon you can solve `ecclesiastical residence' (5) - answer `manse' - or `barrow-boys' (6-7) - answer `coster-mongers', this is the brainteasing book for you.
Format: Paperback
Pages: 192
Publisher: Collins Reference
Published: 29 Jul 2011
ISBN 10: 0007146256
ISBN 13: 9780007146253
Barbara Hall is the editor of The Sunday Times Concise Crossword