Citizenship Today – Student’s Book: Endorsed by Edexcel
by Chris Culshaw (Author), Chris Culshaw (Author), Neil Reaich (Author), Jenny Wales (Author), Paul Clarke (Author)
Developed in partnership with Edexcel, Citizenship Today has been written by a team of experienced teachers and authors with expertise in the many aspects of citizenship covered in the new Edexcel GCSE Short Course in Citizenship Studies. The volume features an active, skills-based approach that should stimulate students and recognise and reward their contributions to school and community activities. Given the practical implications for teachers and schools of introducing this new and challenging subject, it also features a clear structure and practical guidance on delivery and assessment. Designed to be delivered in the equivalent of one hour a week throughout Key Stage 4, the course should enable students across the ability range to access the content and develop the skills required by the National Curriculum from September 2002. It also provides support and background information to support teachers as well as many activities and suggestions for school and community activities to encourage genuine participation and responsible action by students.
Endorsed by Edexcel, this is the book for the Edexcel GCSE Short Course in Citizenship Studies. The new edition continues to offer all the knowledge students require to do well and will now focus on the exam, combining advice and practice questions to ensure success. Citizenship Today is currently the only book aimed specifically at the Edexcel GCSE Short Course in Citizenship Studies. The second edition builds on the strengths of the first edition. It continues to combine clear coverage of the Edexcel specification with an engaging, student-focused approach. It also provides invaluable and extensive guidance on how to tackle the Citizenship Activity and the written exam paper, as well as providing exam questions at the end of every section for student to practice on. Citizenship Today is accompanied by a Teacher's File that provides detailed guidance and resources to support non-specialist teachers.
Citizenship Today continues to offer all the knowledge students require to do well and will now focus on the exam, combining advice and practice questions to ensure success. The third edition of this best -selling title builds on the strengths of the first two. It continues to combine clear coverage of the Edexcel specification with an engaging, student-focused approach. Now fully extended to cover the full course GCSE it provides invaluable and extensive guidance on how to tackle the Citizenship Activity and Citizenship Campaign, as well as the written exam paper: providing exam questions at the end of every section for student practice. Citizenship Today is accompanied by a Teacher's File that provides detailed guidance and resources to support non-specialist teachers.
Developed in partnership with Edexcel, "Citizenship Today" has been written by a team of experienced teachers and authors with expertise in the many aspects of citizenship covered in the new Edexcel GCSE Short Course in Citizenship Studies. The volume features an active, skills-based approach that should stimulate students and recognise and reward their contributions to school and community activities. Given the practical implications for teachers and schools of introducing this new and challenging subject, it also features a clear structure and practical guidance on delivery and assessment. Designed to be delivered in the equivalent of one hour a week throughout Key Stage 4, the course should enable students across the ability range to access the content and develop the skills required by the National Curriculum from September 2002. It also provides support and background information to support teachers as well as many activities and suggestions for school and community activities to encourage genuine participation and responsible action by students.