There will be no better biography of Elizabeth II as a figure of state until her official one appears-and perhaps not even then. -The Independent. One of the many merits of Ben Pimlott's superbly judicious biography of Elizabeth II is that it understands this connection between monarchy and masses, and carefully evokes its political importance. -The New York Times Book Review. The best all-around study of the Queen so far, showing understanding as well as amused irony. -Sunday Telegraph. Written by Ben Pimlott, considered Britain's most respected political biographer, The Queen brings us the most authentic life yet of the reigning monarch. For the first time, Buckingham Place opened its doors and those closest to the queen provided compelling new information into Elizabeth's life and reign. New sources include the unpublished diaries of Jock Colville, public secretary to both Churchill and Elizabeth, as well as interviews with Princess Margaret, Archbishop of Canterbury Lord Runcie, and longtime private secretary Lord Charteris. Ben Pimlott (London, England) is a professor of politics and contemporary history at Birkbeck College, University of London.
He is also the author of Hugh Dalton and Harold Wilson.