The bestselling poetry anthology for GCSE and A-Level! This popular anthology for schools contains poems, extracts, historical documents and illustrations, as well as differentiated oral and written tasks. The poems cover wars from the late 18th century to the present day, including Vietnam, Bosnia and the Gulf War. * Comprehensive coverage of war poetry up to the modern day Covering poetry inspired by wars from the Napoleonic era onwards, the new edition has been brought up-to-date with new poems arising from recent conflicts, including the Poet Laureate Andrew Motion's elegaic response to the war in Iraq. * Extensive range of poetry from the Great War In-depth coverage of poetry from the Great War has been added to with a new section on Isaac Rosenberg as well as pieces by other lesser-known poets. Works by Sassoon, Owen and Brooke are also included. * Unique selection of contextual, social and historical links Numerous short extracts from letters, diaries and newspaper reports help the reader to understand the background to the poems, while dramatic full-colour fine art photographs from the period vivid insights into the writer's experience.
* Numerous study notes and work ideas Study of the poems is greatly facilitated by questions examining their meaning, form and language, as well as suggestions for comparative study, oral work and written coursework. For GCSE and A-level students, a new section of practice questions will help build confidence and experience in their reading of these poems.