The story of a woman who, at a turning point in her life, casts aside convention and embarks on a heady new existence. Catherine Jones -- conscientious working wife and mother -- is catapulted into a dramatic life-change. As the shockwaves subside, she realizes that she has never had the chance to be her true self, never even considered who that self might be. Over the years she has become her own gaoler, someone merely waiting to live. Peeling off her 'second skin' of duty, guilt and fear, she starts living with a vengeance. She joins a bohemian flatshare in Camden Town with people little older than her own children. She takes a job in Camden market -- a startling contrast to suburbia. She meets a poet, Will, and embarks on her first ever affair. But her heady new existence is threatened by her family's demands, even, paradoxically, by Will himself. At this turning point in her life, will she succeed in her bid for freedom and become the person she was born to be?