The Once and Future Jesus: The Future of Jesus, the Church of the Future, the Future of the Faith
by Robert W. Funk,Marcus Borg,John Shelby Spong,Karen L. King,John Dominic Crossan,Lloyd Geering,Gerd Ludemann,Walter Wink,Thomas Sheehan
The Once and Future Jesus: The Future of Jesus, the Church of the Future, the Future of the Faith
by Robert W. Funk,Marcus Borg,John Shelby Spong,Karen L. King,John Dominic Crossan,Lloyd Geering,Gerd Ludemann,Walter Wink,Thomas Sheehan
ISBN 13: 9780944344804
Format: Paperback
(192 pages)
Publisher: Polebridge Press
Published: 15 Jan 2000
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