Revival Revived: The 1995 Revival in Brownwood, Texas, and Its Impact for Revival Today: Volume 5 (Gospel Advance Books)
by John Avant,Alvin L. Reid,Henry Blackaby,Ronnie Floyd,Matt Yarrington,Brandi Parrish,Malcolm McDow,Doug Munton,Dan Crawford,Bill Bright
Revival Revived: The 1995 Revival in Brownwood, Texas, and Its Impact for Revival Today: Volume 5 (Gospel Advance Books)
by John Avant,Alvin L. Reid,Henry Blackaby,Ronnie Floyd,Matt Yarrington,Brandi Parrish,Malcolm McDow,Doug Munton,Dan Crawford,Bill Bright
ISBN 13: 9781505205374
Format: Paperback
(296 pages)
Publisher: CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform
Published: 13 Jan 2014
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