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Results for David W. Layman

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Born of Water and the Spirit: Essays on the Sacraments and Christian Formation: 6 (Mercersburg Theology Study) Born of Water and the Spirit: Essays on the Sacraments and Christian Formation: 6 (Mercersburg Theology Study) by John Williamson Nevin,David W. Layman,Philip Schaff,Emanuel V. Gerhart,W. Bradford Littlejohn

Born of Water and the Spirit: Essays on the Sacraments and Christian Formation: 6 (Mercersburg Theology Study)

by John Williamson Nevin,David W. Layman,Philip Schaff,Emanuel V. Gerhart,W. Bradford Littlejohn

ISBN 13: 9781498235488

Format: Paperback (280 pages)
Publisher: Wipf and Stock
Published: 29 Mar 2016

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New : $29.05
One, Holy, Catholic, and Apostolic, Tome 2: John Nevin's Writings on Ecclesiology (1851-1858): 7 (Mercersburg Theology Study) One, Holy, Catholic, and Apostolic, Tome 2: John Nevin's Writings on Ecclesiology (1851-1858): 7 (Mercersburg Theology Study) by John Williamson Nevin,Sam Hamstra Jr.,David W. Layman

One, Holy, Catholic, and Apostolic, Tome 2: John Nevin's Writings on Ecclesiology (1851-1858): 7 (Mercersburg Theology Study)

by John Williamson Nevin,Sam Hamstra Jr.,David W. Layman

ISBN 13: 9781532619625

Format: Paperback (196 pages)
Publisher: Wipf and Stock
Published: 29 Aug 2017

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New : $23.31
One, Holy, Catholic, and Apostolic, Tome 1: John Nevin’s Writings on Ecclesiology (1844-1849): 5 (Mercersburg Theology Study) One, Holy, Catholic, and Apostolic, Tome 1: John Nevin’s Writings on Ecclesiology (1844-1849): 5 (Mercersburg Theology Study) by John Williamson Nevin,Sam Hamstra Jr.,Charles E. Hambrick-Stowe,David W. Layman

One, Holy, Catholic, and Apostolic, Tome 1: John Nevin’s Writings on Ecclesiology (1844-1849): 5 (Mercersburg Theology Study)

by John Williamson Nevin,Sam Hamstra Jr.,Charles E. Hambrick-Stowe,David W. Layman

ISBN 13: 9781532618970

Format: Paperback (302 pages)
Publisher: Wipf and Stock
Published: 24 Aug 2017

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New : $29.91