Migration Und Ritualtransfer: Religiöse Praxis Der Aleviten, Jesiden Und Nusairier Zwischen Vorderem Orient Und Westeuropa: 33 (Heidelberger Studien Zur Geschichte Und Kultur Des Modernen)
by Robert Langer,Raoul Motika,Michael Ursinus
ISBN 13: 9783631524268
Format: Illustrated (342 pages) Publisher: Peter Lang AG Published: 06 Jul 2005
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Manzikert to Lepanto: The Byzantine World and the Turks, 1071-1571 Papers Given at the Nineteenth Spring Symposium of Byzantine Studies, March 1985
by Anthony Bryer,Michael Ursinus
ISBN 13: 9781597403160
Format: Hardcover (488 pages) Publisher: ACLS History E-Book Project Published: 01 Jan 2009
Manzikert to Lepanto: the Byzantine World and the Turks, 1071-1571 Papers Given at the Nineteenth Spring Symposium of Byzantine Studies, March 1985
by Michael Ursinus,Anthony Bryer
ISBN 13: 9781597406383
Format: Paperback (484 pages) Publisher: ACLS Humanities E-Book Published: 01 Aug 2008