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Make: Raspberry Pi and AVR Projects: Augmenting the Pi's ARM with the Atmel ATmega, ICs, and Sensors (Make: Technology on Your Time) Make: Raspberry Pi and AVR Projects: Augmenting the Pi's ARM with the Atmel ATmega, ICs, and Sensors (Make: Technology on Your Time) by Cefn Hoile,Clare Bowman,Sjoerd Dirk Meijer,Brian Corteil,Lauren Orsini,Troy Mott

Make: Raspberry Pi and AVR Projects: Augmenting the Pi's ARM with the Atmel ATmega, ICs, and Sensors (Make: Technology on Your Time)

by Cefn Hoile,Clare Bowman,Sjoerd Dirk Meijer,Brian Corteil,Lauren Orsini,Troy Mott

ISBN 13: 9781457186240

Format: Paperback (254 pages)
Publisher: Maker Media, Inc
Published: 01 Dec 2014

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