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Results for Ben Crow

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The Food Question: Profits Versus People (Earthscan Original) The Food Question: Profits Versus People (Earthscan Original) by Henry Bernstein, Ben Crow, Maureen Mackintosh, Charlotte Martin

The Food Question: Profits Versus People (Earthscan Original)

by Henry Bernstein, Ben Crow, Maureen Mackintosh, Charlotte Martin

ISBN 13: 9781853830631

Format: Paperback (224 pages)
Publisher: Routledge
Published: 26 Mar 1992

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Used : $4.48 New : $26.99
Hydrosocial Territories and Water Equity: Theory, Governance, and Sites of Struggle (Routledge Special Issues on Water Policy and Governance) Hydrosocial Territories and Water Equity: Theory, Governance, and Sites of Struggle (Routledge Special Issues on Water Policy and Governance) by Rutgerd Boelens, Ben Crow, Jaime Hoogesteger, Flora E. Lu, Erik Swyngedouw, Jeroen Vos

Hydrosocial Territories and Water Equity: Theory, Governance, and Sites of Struggle (Routledge Special Issues on Water Policy and Governance)

by Rutgerd Boelens, Ben Crow, Jaime Hoogesteger, Flora E. Lu, Erik Swyngedouw, Jeroen Vos

ISBN 13: 9781138288843

Format: Hardcover (412 pages)
Publisher: Routledge
Published: 01 Jun 2017

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New : $156.52  
New : $156.52
The Food Question: Profits Versus People (Earthscan Original) The Food Question: Profits Versus People (Earthscan Original) by Henry Bernstein, Maureen Mackintosh, Charlotte Martin, Ben Crow

The Food Question: Profits Versus People (Earthscan Original)

by Henry Bernstein, Maureen Mackintosh, Charlotte Martin, Ben Crow

ISBN 13: 9781138166035

Format: Hardcover (224 pages)
Publisher: Routledge
Published: 03 Feb 2017

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New : $156.52  
New : $156.52