Chuckies fir the Cairn: Poems in Scots and Gaelic by Contemporary Dumfries and Galloway Poets
by Rab Wilson,Liz Niven,Doug Curran,David Douglas,John Burns,Josie Neill,Hugh Bryden,John Mason,Derek Ross,Betty Tindall,William Neill,Angus Macmillan,Rab Wilson
Chuckies fir the Cairn: Poems in Scots and Gaelic by Contemporary Dumfries and Galloway Poets
by Rab Wilson,Liz Niven,Doug Curran,David Douglas,John Burns,Josie Neill,Hugh Bryden,John Mason,Derek Ross,Betty Tindall,William Neill,Angus Macmillan,Rab Wilson
ISBN 13: 9781906817053
Format: Paperback
(256 pages)
Publisher: Luath Press Ltd.
Published: 13 Jan 2009
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